The Best Coffee Maker Ever? Our Review of the Philips 3200 Series Espresso Machine with LatteGo

First off: This isn’t a review so much as it is a tribute to our insurmountable addiction to coffee, and the machine that gives us our fix. This is NOT a paid review — we just really dig this thing.

Meet the Philips 3200 Series Fully Automatic Espresso Machine with LatteGo. We refer to it as the Coffee Machine. It does a lot of things we’ve come to depend on and we think it was worth spending a good chunk of change on a box that makes coffee.

It makes coffee, espresso, americanos, lattes and cappuccinos and it’s dead simple to use.

Is it the best coffee machine for the price? We think so. I mean, we went way out of our way to overshoot the F%$& out of this Review Video, didn’t we? You be the judge!

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